

Mortgage after 65: what you need to know

When it comes to mortgages, age knows no boundaries. The law doesn't impose any age limits on obtaining a mortgage. In principle, the repayment of both capital and interest shouldn't extend beyond the age of 85, but under specific conditions, some banks might be willing to consider repayment up to the age of 90. What's more, the interest rate stipulated in your loan contract is tailored to your personal profile.

Mortgage after 65

However, banks tend to be cautious when it comes to lending to individuals aged 65 and over. There are two primary reasons for this apprehension:

  • Financial Organizations' Concerns: Banks can be hesitant to lend to seniors because they are perceived as higher-risk borrowers due to their age.
  • Repayment Challenges: As you age, your income typically doesn't increase. This can affect your ability to repay a loan and might lead to potential difficulties.

Types of Mortgages for Seniors

If you're over 65 and looking to embark on a real estate project, there are several mortgage options with solid guarantees that you should consider:

  • H2 Heading: Classic Depreciable Loan

This loan, associated with life insurance, can reassure banks due to the added security. However, it's important to note that the interest rate may increase with age. To further alleviate the bank's concerns, a pledge can be arranged to cover any unpaid bills.

  • H2 Heading: Mortgage Loan

A mortgage loan involves offering your real estate assets as collateral, providing a solid guarantee to the bank. This option is ideal if you already own real estate.

  • H2 Heading: Mortgage Life Loan

With a mortgage life loan, you mortgage a property you own in order to obtain a loan. Repayment is scheduled until the borrower's death.

Challenges in Obtaining a Mortgage After 65

Banks typically assess the borrower's repayment capacity when approving a home loan. For individuals over 65, securing a loan can be more challenging for a few key reasons:

  • Age-Related Costs: The age of the borrower can lead to higher borrower insurance costs, especially to cover potential health issues. When these insurance costs are combined with administration fees, there's a risk of exceeding the rate of wear and tear.
  • Wear Rate or APR Limit: The wear rate, or Annual Percentage Rate (APR), includes all the costs borne by the borrower during a mortgage. Legislation sets a threshold beyond which banks are not allowed to grant mortgages. As of January 2022, this rate is 2.44%. Seniors seeking loans after the age of 65 may face challenges if banks need to exceed this usury rate to cover perceived risks.
  • Health Concerns: A senior's health might be more fragile after the age of 65. If the insurance doesn't cover all risks, banks are likely to hesitate to lend the requested amount.

Overcoming Mortgage Challenges

Even though obtaining a mortgage as a senior can be more complex, there are solutions to overcome these challenges:

H2 Heading: Reduce the Cost of Credit

To increase your chances of bank approval, you can:

  • Compete on Insurance: Take advantage of the delegation of insurance. The Lagarde law allows you to choose an external insurance company that offers equivalent loan guarantees at a more favorable price.
  • Shorten the Loan Duration: Reducing the loan duration lowers interest costs and leads to a more advantageous interest rate.
  • Increase Your Contribution: Exceed the usual 10% contribution requested by banks for mortgage approval.

H2 Heading: Choose the Right Insurance

As a senior, you can forgo certain optional guarantees to save on borrower insurance costs. These may include:

  • Physical or Mental Disability Guarantee (PTIA): If you don't require coverage for the prevention of professional activity or everyday life assistance.
  • Permanent and Partial Disability Guarantee (IPP): When coverage of 33% isn't necessary.

H2 Heading: Consult a Mortgage Broker

Mortgage brokers can significantly assist in securing financing after 65 by:

  • Optimizing Your Profile: They help build your file to highlight your profile for better chances of approval.
  • Selecting Suitable Insurance: Brokers guide you in choosing insurance that best aligns with your needs.
  • Negotiating Favorable Terms: They can help you secure a preferential credit rate and advantageous conditions for your loan.

By working with a broker, you enhance your prospects of obtaining a mortgage after 65 without incurring exorbitant costs.

Preferred Cities for Real Estate Purchase Among Seniors

Seniors seek mortgages to settle in cities offering a high quality of life. Among the favorites are seaside resorts such as Nice, Cannes, and Marseille. The charm of the Côte d’Azur is not the only draw; Brittany and the Basque Country also have their share of attractions for those aged 65 and above.

In conclusion, obtaining a mortgage after 65 presents challenges, but with the right strategies and assistance, it's entirely possible. Seniors can realize their real estate dreams with the right approach.


1. Can I get a mortgage after I turn 65?

Yes, it's possible to obtain a mortgage after turning 65, but it comes with certain challenges.

2. What types of mortgages are suitable for seniors?

Seniors can consider classic depreciable loans, mortgage loans, or mortgage life loans, depending on their circumstances.

3. How can I improve my chances of getting a mortgage as a senior?

You can enhance your prospects by reducing the overall cost of the loan, choosing the right insurance, and seeking the assistance of a mortgage broker.

4. Are there age-related challenges in securing a mortgage after 65?

Yes, age-related challenges can include higher insurance costs, limitations on the Annual Percentage Rate (APR), and health concerns.

5. What cities are popular for real estate purchases among seniors?

Seniors often prefer cities with a high quality of life, such as seaside resorts like Nice, Cannes, and Marseille, as well as areas like Brittany and the Basque Country.

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